Backyard Safari

It's time for a backyard safari!

No matter where you live, if you have a backyard or not, you can go on a safari around your own home. Make sure to ask your adult for permission before going outside. Better yet, bring one (or a big sibling) along for the safari!

What you'll need:

Things you can do on your safari:

    Ask questions! If your adult doesn't know the answer, write down your question so you can look it up later.

    Learn the names of the plants and animals you find. Draw pictures and note as many details as you can to help you find them in your field guide.

    Write down what you notice about the plants and animals. Do they like shade or sun? Wet soil or dry? Do they scamper or slither?

    Do the whole thing again at a different time of day or in different weather. What differences do you notice?

    Continue your safari with some absolutely wild stories.

    Draw Raul Colon
    Hello Hello Brendan Wenzel
    Little Bitty Friends Elizabeth McPike
    Mr. Tiger Goes Wild Peter Brown
    Oh, No! Candice Fleming
    Wild About Us! Karen Beaumont

    By NaomiB on August 3, 2021