Historical Figures for 200

This Navy Veteran served in the Korean War and later became one of the first gay elected officials in the United States.

[This Navy Veteran served in the Korean War and later became one of the first gay elected officials in the United States.]


Who is Harvey Milk?

[Who is Harvey Milk?]


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Close-up profile picture of Harvey Milk smiling for the camera

Born in 1930, Harvey Milk didn't actually become politically involved until he was in his 40s.  Milk became involved in local politics with his neighborhood, organizing local labor unions, earning the nickname "The Mayor of Castor Street", and eventually winning a seat as a city supervisor in 1977.  During his short time in office, Milk sponsored (and passed) a bill banning discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and employment on the basis of sexual orientation.  Tragically, on November 27th, 1978, Harvey Milk was assassinated.

Milk was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in August 2009 by President Obama.


The logo for the eSource "Gale in Context: Biography"

Read more about Harvey Milk through our eSource, Gale in Context: Biography, check out some of the great titles in our catalog, or visit Sean's blog about Harvey Milk Day for some historic photos.


"All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential."


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By Sean on March 31, 2022