Resolutions or Resolve


Help with breaking, changing or acquiring habits is useful anytime and since the most notable time for such considerations is at beginning of the new year. The accompanying video is meant to provide an informal discourse and suggested materials about some of our natural inclinations that make it hard to meet resolution goals, and a bit of how it feels listening to our self-defeating inner voice. 

    The suggestion, made a little tongue-in-cheek, is that it would be wiser to have New Year's resolve, rather than New year's resolution on the thinking that having a resolution doesn't summon the will to achieve the desired object. On the other hand, resolve provides the fuel for the will that drives towards the target regardless of any obstacles.

     The reading suggested furnishes the detailed insights into our cognitive biases and misconceptions we may not be aware of and therefore unable to overcome. Here are a few of the books: 

book covers

Reading these and more will arm you at least against your own inner and hidden foibles while addressing the hurdles in the world outside you and you won't have to look something like this:


despairing expression of hand on face

Originally Posted by JeffD on December 16, 2020

By Blogger on August 3, 2021