Switch from OverDrive to Libby Today!

OverDrive logo of letter O, switching to Libby logo of someone reading a book.

If you're still using the original OverDrive app to download eBooks and eAudiobooks, you'll want to get started with the newer Libby app by OverDrive immediately.

The original OverDrive app was removed from the Apple App Store, Google Play store, and Microsoft store on Feb. 23, 2022 and will no longer work on devices starting May 1, 2023.

If you are an Alachua, Putnam, or Levy county resident, you will need to have one of the following:

  • Standard library card - We encourage you to visit any of our 12 locations with your up-to-date Florida ID  (or similar photo ID and proof of local residence) to get a full-service card for all materials (some content is limited to Alachua County residents only).
  • Digital Card - Alachua County residents can sign up for a digital card online for digital content only.
  • OverDrive Instant Digital Card - Alachua County residents can sign up with a cell phone number after downloading the Libby App or visiting www.aclib.us/OverDrive for the first time.

Your account information—checked-out items, holds, wish list—will transfer to the Libby app. 

Get started now!

With the Libby app, you can:

  • Add multiple library cards to your account
  • Tag books you liked or didn't like, or make your own tags like "To-Be-Read"
  • Send the same title to another device that you would like to read/listen on
  • Change font, font size, and lighting
  • Create bookmarks
  • Select your check out time period to 7, 14, or 21 days (some high demand eBooks are limited to 14 days)
  • Return items early when you're done
  • Review common help options
  • Contact support
By Otto on April 28, 2023