Designers' bags for all

This craft is for you if you are into recycling or if you have an abundance of T-shirts that are not being worn.

The project is quick and easy.  All you need is a T- shirt and pair a scissors.  No really, those are the only two items needed to complete this craft .

Tee Shirt Bag



Here are the steps:

1.  Take the T-shirt and fold it in half the long way. (Sleeve touching sleeve)


Tee Shirt Bag


2. Cut around the neck of the T-shirt

Tee shirt bag


3. Cut out the arms on the t-shirt.  (Start cutting at the armpit area all the way to the shoulder).


Tee shirt bag


4.  Now go to the bottom of the T-shirt and cut medium size strips all the way to the end of the shirt.

Tee shirt bag



5.  Take a top and a bottom strip. Tie a knot.  Keep tying until each strip has been tied.


Tee shirt bag


6.  Take the sleeve scraps and cut two strips.

Tee shirt bag


7.  Take the strip and tie a bow on both shoulders.

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8.  Final step.  Run your hand through arms of the shirt as you would with any shopping bag.

Yes, you have just made a reusable shopping bag.  How cool is that?

Tee shirt bag



By AlyceW on May 16, 2021