Teen/Tween Book Club Read for October

Wires and Nerve Vol. 1 Cover
Wires and Nerve Vol 2 Cover

This month I cheated a bit and picked TWO books for the Teen/Tween Book club:


So I picked these books at first because they heavily feature werewolves, and I thought they would be great fun to read around Halloween. But! The book club had read the entire Lunar Chronicles, and loved them, so I thought it would be cool for everyone to get to see how all of their favorite characters were doing after Winter. I decided to include both because the first one is quite short and is most explaining back story, and they are graphic novels, so I think most of my book club members will have no problem reading through them. 

Iko is one of the most beloved characters in the series, and in the graphic novel you get to see her at her best, with her new and improved body, fighting bad guys and being funny while doing it. She is fun and tough and it is really interesting to watch her explore her "humanity." Even though there are a lot of characters and not a lot of time with all of the action, everyone grows and learns and if you are a great lover of The Lunar Chronicles, these books will hit you in all the feels. Loads of fighting and suspense, though, so don't think I've just given you a romance to read. 

I look forward to hearing from everyone about this, and their feelings on The Lunar Chronicles, and if it does Iko and the other characters justice. If you never read The Lunar Chronicles, that's ok! Hopefully reading this will make you want to! Happy October and Happy Halloween!

Originally Posted by JessicaM on September 29, 2020

By Blogger on June 4, 2021