Stay at Home Music and Movement

Music and Movement is great for children! It helps develop their brains with rhythms and repetition, as well as their fine motor skills by using scarves or instruments. This program is appropriate for toddlers, preschoolers, and their families. We encourage everyone to put on some music and either play with instruments (you can make many instruments with simple household items) or just march or dance around the room. It's a great way to get some exercise and have fun together!

  • Opening Song: Glad to See You - Let's move! This song builds on repetition. Great for memory and for wiggling!
  • Fingerplay: Itsy Bitsy Spider - Use those little fingers to make little spiders! Big motions make for big laughs.
  • Scarf Song: Flutter, Butterfly - Use a bandanna, scarf, or even a burp cloth! Fly your butterfly around the room!
  • Goodbye Song: time to wave goodbye to our friends, until next time!

By CrissyH on August 7, 2021