You Too Can Haiku

You Too Can Haiku!

As you explore haikus - a form of poetry - learn about syllables, the sound units of words. This short lesson is for adults who want to practice reading and improve their writing. We encourage all adult learners to play with poetry. It is a fun way to gain reading and writing skills. 

Links for resources and reading and writing help below the video.



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Reading and Writing Help:

Credits: All images are under the public domain, a Creative Commons license, or used with with permissionThe Great Wave off Kanagawa, Hokusai, c 1829-1833. Coast Guard and Agencies Response to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, USCG Press, 2010. Galveston, Gulf of Mexico, Reinhard, 2013. Gulf of Mexico Off Cape San Blas, Baxter, 2008. Bird, Sharon, 2020. Lightning, Hunt, 2005. Coffee on Saucer, Pixabay, 2017. Ichetucknee River, JeremyM, 2012. 


By JeremyM on December 29, 2021