Special District

General Information

  • Full Legal Name:
    Alachua County Library District
  • Public Purpose Statement:
    A key to building a better community by creating opportunities to participate, connect and discover.
  • Boundaries/Service Areas:
    Alachua County
  • Services Provided:
    Public library services
  • Charter:
    Chapter 98-502, as amended by Chapter 2003-375, Laws of Florida
  • Statutory Authority:
    Section 189.031, Florida Statutes
  • Date Established:
    October 1, 1986
  • Establishing Entity:
    Florida Legislature

General Contact Information

Governing Board Members
Marihelen Wheeler
Marihelen Wheeler (Chair)
Board of County Commissioners - Alachua County
Governing Board Term: four years 
November 2022-November 2026

(352) 264-6900

12 SE 1st St.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Dr. Leanetta McNeally


Dr. Leanetta McNealy (Vice-Chair)
School Board of Alachua County 
Governing Board Term: four years
November 2020-November 2024

(352) 955-7300

620 E. University Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Mary Alford
Mary Alford
Board of County Commissioners - Alachua County
Governing Board Term: four years
January 2023-November 2027

(352) 264-6900

12 SE 1st St.
Gainesville, FL 32601


Cynthia Moore Chestnut
Cynthia Moore Chestnut 
Gainesville City Commission
Governing Board Term: three years
February 2022-May 2025

(352) 334-5016

200 E. University Ave.
P. O. Box 490, Station 19
Gainesville, FL 32627

Ken Cornell
Ken Cornell
Board of County Commissioners - Alachua County 
Governing Board Term: four years
November 2022-November 2026

(352) 264-6900

12 SE 1st St.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Reina Saco
Reina Saco
Gainesville City Commission
Governing Board Term: three years
January 2023-May 2026

(352) 334-5016

200 E. University Ave.
P. O. Box 490, Station 19
Gainesville, FL 32627



Revenue Information

  • The Alachua County Library District Governing Board may levy ad valorem taxes up to 1.5 mills for operational expenses, and all millage necessary to pay the principal and interest on general obligation bonds.
  • Total District Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2021-2022: 1.0856
  • Statutory Authority: Section 189.031

General Financial Information